Out of Hand
Part of the Super-8 Trilogy
25 minutes
Produced, directed, shot and edited by Ericka Beckman
Music and vocals by Beckman/Brooke Halpin
Starring Paul Mc Mahon
Featuring James Welling, Matt Mullican, Nancy Chunn, April Gornik
“OUT OF HAND is a search film, where a small boy returns to a house that is being evacuated, to search for something that he left behind. His method is to follow hidden clues in this house and to respond to the hidden aids in his memory. Back and forth, between inquisition and logic, he constructs a search with two unknowns – ‘What it is’ and ‘Where it is’. Each object he chooses has multiple functions, which extend both into the physical space of his search, and into the imaginary world of his perception and memory.” — E.B. 1980
“Ericka Beckman is one of the most accomplished of younger filmmakers. The five Super-8 films she released since 1977 can be located at the “perceptual edge” of Post-structural Punk; they’re not absolute rejections of 70’s formalism. Beckman’s work has affinities to certain films of George Landow and the trickier sections of Robert Nelson and William Wiley’s The Great Blondino, but basically she is an idiosyncratic original with a full-blown out style of her own. Like primitive cartoons, Beckman’s enigmatic allegories are filled with nervous activity and comic violence, sexual imagery and syncopated energy, perceptual game-playing and ingenious homemade optical effects. Her major thematic preoccupations include “ the coordination of the self in the physical world”. There is something undeniably callisthenic about her vision. Singsong voice tracks, jerky robot motions, repetitive gestures and the iconic use of sports equipment and cheerleaders characterize Beckman’s mise en scene. Beckman frequently links her work to Piaget but, with its obsessive images of property and loss, OUT OF HAND is an Allstate Insurance commercial as it might appear to an autistic child.” — J. Hoberman, Artforum January 1981
Super-8 Trilogy at Le Magasin Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble, France
- Solte, Franziska. “The Missing Object: Thoughts on Ericka Beckman’s Film Out of Hand.” Object Fantasies: Forms & Fictions, eBook, De Gruyter Publishing
- “Ericka Beckman: Augmented Reality and Cinema Games.” HIGHLINEART, March 2015
- “Ericka Beckman Works 1978 – 2013” MAGASIN, Centre National d’Art Contemporain (press release), 2014
- “Los Angeles Filmforum presents Ericka Beckman.” LOS ANGELES MOCA (press release), 2014
- Schneider, Anja Isabel. “Ericka Beckman at Le Magasin, Grenoble.” KALEIDOSCOPE, Winter 2013/14
- Stefan, Olga. “Ericka Beckman at Kunsthalle Bern.” ART IN AMERICA, September, 2013
- Dika, Vera. “The (Moving) Pictures Generation”, published by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN, New York, NY
- Harbison, Isobel. “Image Games.” FRIEZE, October, 2012
- Taubin, Amy. “Fairytales of New York.” ARTFORUM MAGAZINE, April 2011
- Biovier, Lionel, & Stroun, Fabrice. “A Conversation with Ericka Beckman.” NOVEMBRE MAGAZINE, Fall/Winter 2011
- Cotter, Holland. “At the Met, Baby Boomers Leap Onstage.” THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 23, 2009
- Hoberman, J. “Big and Life.” THE VILLAGE VOICE, June
- Hoberman, J. VULGAR MODERNISM. 1991.
- Dika, Vera. “Cinema: A Feminist Fairy-Tale.” ART IN AMERICA, April, 1987
- Sitney, P. Adam “Point of View: The Rear Garde.” ART IN AMERICA, Summer, 1985
- Banes, Sally. “Imagination and Play: The Films of Ericka Beckman.” MILLENNIUM FILM JOURNAL, Winter, 1984
- Hoberman, J. “A Kind of Close Encounter.” THE VILLAGE VOICE, December 13, 1983
- HEAD HUNTERS (Exhibition document), 1983
- Rabinowitz, Ellen. “Ninth Season of ‘Video/Film Review’.” THIRTEEN (press release), September, 1983
- Dika, Vera. “Erica Beckman’s ‘Out of Hand’: In Search of Meaning.” DREAMWORKS, Fall 1982
- Lister, Ardele, & Jones, Bill.“Ericka Beckman Interviewed.” THE INDEPENDENT FILM VIDEO MAGAZINE, Summer 1981
- Rickey, Carrie. “Behind the Super-8 Ball.” THE VILLAGE VOICE, May, 1981
- Hoberman, J. “The Avant-Garde Now.” FILM CULTURE, May, 1981
- Hoberman, J. “Review: Out of Hand.” ARTFORUM MAGAZINE, January 1981
- Keeps, David. “Review: Out of Hand.” NEW YORK ROCKER, November, 1981
- Gross, Linda. “Personal Visions of Worlds Unhinged.” LOS ANGELES TIMES, January, 1981
- Baim, Richard. “Ericka Beckman: Movies for the New American Adult.” REAL LIFE MAGAZINE, Summer 1980
- Hoberman, J. “The Independents.” FILM CULTURE, January, 1979
- Hoberman, J. “The Best of Apples and Pears.” THE VILLAGE VOICE, January, 1979
- Hoberman, J. “Vanguard ’79: Critic’s Award.” THE VILLAGE VOICE, December, 1978
- Filmmakers: Ericka Beckman (exhibition document)
- Hoberman, J. “Voice Choices.” THE VILLAGE VOICE.
- Hoberman, J. “An Opinionated Survey.” VILLAGE VOICE