Cinderella (1986) by Ericka Beckman


28 minutes


Produced, directed, shot and edited by Ericka Beckman
Starring Gigi Kalweit and Mike Kelley
Sound track composed by Brooke Halpin
Vocals by Katy Cavanaugh
Produced with funds from The Jerome Foundation and The New York State Council on the Arts

“CINDERELLA is a musical treatment of the fairy tale. I have broken apart the story and set it as a mechanical game with a series of repetitions where CINDERELLA is projected back and forth like a ping-pong ball between the hearth and the castle. She never succeeds in satisfying the requirements of the ‘Cinderella Game’. The film was shot MOS, the dialogue is lip-synched, and along with the out-front score and effects track magnifies the film’s sense of alienation.” — E.B. 1984

“Ericka Beckman makes films that are playful in the most literal sense. Brightly colored and cheerfully self-absorbed, they take their structure, rhythm and imagery from games. YOU THE BETTER, scandal of the 1983 New York Film Festival, was an inexplicable contest- half dodge ball, half roulette- staged inside an abstract slot machine. Although her new film CINDERELLA is somewhat more narrative, it still owes as much to pinball as to Perrault. Although no less fraught with psychosexual tension than Walt Disney’s version, Beckman drops the fairytale’s sibling rivalry and Oedipal underpinnings, reworking the heroine’s situation as an allegory of female socialization. Vintage Beckman Cinderella exhibits the filmmaker’s characteristic use of ambiguous interior space, stutter-stop development, incantatory songs, and dreamlike condensation.” — J. Hoberman, Village Voice, December 1986

“She is the most self-confident and aggressive stylist of the younger generation”. — P. Adam Sitney, American Film


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Cinderella Game by Ericka Beckman

Cinderella Game 1-4 (1986/2015) at Cherry Martin Gallery, Los Angeles, California

Cinderella Forge Bucket Chain Prop by Ericka Beckman at the Cherry Martin Gallery, Los Angeles, California

Cinderella at Cherry Martin Gallery, Los Angeles, California



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