Produced by Kathy Noble, Performa NYC
Directed, shot and edited by Ericka Beckman
Music and Vocals arrangement by Beckman/ Halpin
Jack: Georgeanne Kalweit
Aerialist: Madi Ward


Stalk is a story about farm workers uniting to revolt against conglomerate, corporate, and capitalist domination, in order to upend that power and change the balance of the system. STALK was staged on an open-air site in New York City where the hyper-colored, surreal world of Jack and the workers will play out as an epic, live musical against the Manhattan Wall Street skyline.

The original fairy tale contains metaphors that mirror many of the issues of the
modern—and the current plight of small farmers and small business. Stalk is a story that explores the issues of contemporary power-structures, particularly those of late Capitalism and its dire impact on natural resources.” Kathy Noble

Stalk was a commissioned performance for Performa NYC Biennial 2021 and will be completed as a film in 2023.


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